Monday, August 30, 2010

Daily Quotes!

Daily Quotes Aug 30 2010!

"To be prepared is half the victory."
-- Miguel de Cervantes

"In real estate, it's location, location, location. In business, it's
differentiate, differentiate, differentiate."
-- Robert Goizueta, executive

"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there."
-- Josh Billings, humorist

"Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think,
act, walk, talk and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the
person he wishes to become."
-- Zig Ziglar, Author

"Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because
there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in,
that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can
hardly wait to get at it again."
-- Whit Hobbs

All "Betts" on Brian! The Only Realtor you want!

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