Thursday, September 16, 2010

Your Marketing Checklist

Your Marketing Checklist

Here’s a checklist of important steps that will serve as your marketing foundation:

Powerful mission statement. A mission statement addresses what your customers ultimately value and how your business will help them achieve that value. When writing your mission statement, assume your customers’ perspective and focus on their true-end goals. Then articulate this mission into a clear and concise statement.

Professional photographs. Regardless of your business, professionally shot, high-quality photographs of you, your team and products communicate success, confidence, professionalism and trust to your customers. Don’t scrimp on your professional image.

Easy-to-navigate website. Regardless of your industry, more people are researching products and services by visiting websites. Don’t disappoint your customers. Make sure you understand their needs, and ensure your website quickly points them to the information they seek. Your site should thoroughly explain your business, including hours of operation and contact information.

Personal brochure. A brochure is a professional summary of your products, services, experience and knowledge that you can give to potential customers. Make sure your benefit-driven brochure communicates to customers the full range of products and services you offer.

Up-to-date database. Your customer database is arguably your most important marketing tool. But to be effective, it needs to be maintained. Commit to regularly entering new customer information and updating existing records, as well as noting personal information (such as birthdays) that can help you connect with clients

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