Thursday, October 21, 2010

Daily Quotes!

Daily Quotes Oct. 21 2010!

"As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can."
-- Julius Caesar, Roman leader

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
-- Maya Angelou, poet

"Even when I lost, I learned what my weaknesses were and I went out the next day to turn those weaknesses into strengths."
-- Larry Bird, basketball player

"When I thought I couldn't go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. "
-- Estee Lauder, entrepreneur

"If you're not making mistakes, your'e not trying hard enough."
-- Vince Lombardi, football coach

All "Betts" on Brian! The Only Realtor you want!

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